$85 MONTHLY LESSONS This is a flat rate and doesn’t change on a month to month basis. These lessons are scheduled on a weekly basis for half hour times or biweekly for hour times. I won’t change your scheduled times and I will work with you to find make up times if your schedule changes. First month of lessons will be pro-rated at $45 per hour of lesson time ($22.50 per half hour lesson).
$45 INDIVIDUAL HOUR LESSONS These lessons are scheduled by checking my SCHEDULE page for an open time. I will schedule a lesson outside of my regular hours if circumstances demand. Please CONTACT me to confirm the time is still open and I will send you a PAYPAL invoice by email with the day and time included on the invoice.
There will be additional costs depending on what you need to PREPARE for lessons.
Payments and Cancellations:
– Payments for monthly lessons and individual hour lessons are paid in advance via PAYPAL invoice. As soon as I receive payment, I will update my SCHEDULE page.
– You do not need a PayPal account to pay for a PayPal invoice. Click HERE for instructions on how to pay your invoice.
– I do not give refunds for missed lessons.
– Check my SCHEDULE page for open times to schedule a make up lesson.
– There is a two-week time limit for make up lessons. A missed make up lesson will not be eligible for an additional make up time.
– Please give fellow students the opportunity to use your scheduled slot for a make up by notifying me of an absence as soon as you are able to do so.
– If I am unable to honor a confirmed appointment, pro-rated payment will be refunded unless we can agree to a new time.
– Make checks payable to Adam Roberts.
Please CONTACT me if you have any questions.